Aligning With My Highest Self Journal Prompts
2022 is all about aligning with your highest self! What does the person you want to be look like ? Act like? What do they wear? Let's break it down and make it simple. Before you get started clear your mind and take a deep breath. Take some time to visualize your highest self. Think about the clothes you are wearing and how they are hanging on your body. Think about the knowledge that you have acquired and all the information that your highest self knows. Visualize how you will walk into a room with the confidence you have always desired, the job you have always wanted and with the partner of your dreams. Take some time and tap into how this makes you feel. Do you feel happy, excited, hopeful? Embrace this feeling. When you are done visualizing it is time to pick up your journal.
Journal Prompts
When visualizing how did it make you feel when you had everything you desired? Be as descriptive as possible.
Write down physically how your highest self looks liked?
What does highest self do for fun and entertainment ? How do they spend most of their time?
What is your highest self morning routine?