Aries Season Tarot Reading
Happy Aries Season!
Monthly Horoscope: The hanged man. You have been feeling stuck and stagnant these past few weeks. You might have been putting off starting something that you know would be for your highest good. Take time to realign and refocus and do one thing today that you have been wanting to do. Use this fire of Aries season to be carefree and make moves! It is time for a new astrological year!
The Tarot Card that has Aries Energy is The Fool Card. This is time to embrace your carefree energy and go for it with out thinking twice. You have been doubting yourself and hesitating this is a good time to really trust yourself and take that leap of faith. This is also about tapping into your confidence. The fool is all about loving yourself, being selfish and going on an adventure. Know that this is the start of your journey and be ready for anything! This is also a good time to tap into healing your inner child.
Journal Prompts for Aries Season
How can you embrace that fire energy in a healthy and passionate way?
What are ways that you can healthily release your anger?
What is one project you have been putting off that you want to start on?