The Hermit Journal Prompts: Embracing Being Alone

Embracing The Hermit
Has any one noticed how lonely adulting is. Especially being done with school and not seeing our friends every day I noticed I have been struggling with being alone. I recently moved to a new city and it feels like this past month my life has completely transformed. I feel like alot of my triggers from college have started to come up again. I been feeling a need for attention and validation from others. Going through a breakup, move and death all at once really adds to the loneliness. What really helped me with this loneliness is knowing that I am not alone. My full time job is doing tarot readings and I have given hundreds of reading and I noticed that no matter the age, race or gender we are all alot more similar than we think. We all need love, compassion and connection. After my grandmother passed away I have been longing for this sense of connection. For a place of community where I feel loved and appreciated. When I was in my last relationship I realized I was putting so much energy into that other person, it almost felt like a distraction so I wouldn't have to deal with myself. I stopped doing so many thing I loved to do alone, not because of them but because I noticed I rather do it with them. Currently I'm in a cafe in San Francisco 400 miles from my home town and I never felt more alone but I also feel a source of comfortability. I finally get to reclaim my selfishness. I get to wake up and do whatever I want whenever I want. I am able to really listen to my body and make the changes that are necessary.
Journal Prompts
How can you embrace your loneliness?
In what ways can you reclaim your selfishness and focus on yourself?
How can you be easier on your adult self and connect with your inner child?
How can you heal your relationship with others and need for validation?