7 Days of Shadow Work

What is Shadow Work?
Accepting your shadow side and parts of yourself that you hide from others. This can be done through inner child healing, meditation and journaling.
Each day will include a journal prompt and inner child healing exercise.
Day 1: What is something you have been holding on to for so long ? write it down and then write healing affirmations to help start the forgiving process.
ex: I forgive myself for my past lessons, they have gotten me to this point and
I have learned from them.
Day 2: If you could do any thing in the world what would your day to day look like ?
take time to tap in to your inner child by day dreaming and visualizing the life you want ?
Day 3: How can you be more accepting to yourself ? What do you need to forgive yourself for?
Write a list of traits or things you have been hiding and can't share with anyone and rip up the paper while saying your affirmations from day 1.
Day 4: What would you tell a friend in your position ? How would you give them advice?
Write a letter to your inner child and put it in an envelope and read it when you need too.
Day 5: What parts of yourself do you feel are unlovable ? How can you reshape your mindset around love ?
Do you favorite childhood selfcare activity
ex: coloring book, writing a poem, bike riding
Day 6: How can you embrace your shadow side? How can you acknowledge duality in your life as a necessity ?
Do something you would consider a guilty pleasure.
ex: favorite food, favorite tv show
Day 7: If you didn't have your shadow side would you still be yourself ?
Look in a mirror repeat your affirmations from day one out loud.